Kategorie: 3 Technology
Wissenschaft, Klima, Energiewende und mehr …
Portfolio aktualisiert bei Torial
Should We Beware of Wellness Apps?
Health and lifestyle apps: Enhencing quality of life, improving medical research. On the downside: shaky and unsafe programming, aiming at controlling lifes, fostering trade of private data, supported by lawmaker’s games. Feeling gloomy about the self-determined future. Great future for sick people, indeed. Medical apps used for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases are admittedly…
It Can be Saver: More Savety at Sea
Engineers work hard on new life saving appliances – but shipping companies are afraid of the investments. [ ⇒ Read the article in German | Artikel auf Deutsch lesen ]. Technology Review (German) 3/2012 (title story) [order]