Schlagwort: science journalism

  • The Biggest Story of the Century:
    How to Tell It

    Comment to: „The Biggest Story of the Century Needs More Coverage“ by James Fahn on 2018-11-15 in the blog of Scientific American Dear James, thanks for sharing your article in Scientific American. Unfortunately there is no comment function under your article. So I choose this way to comment. Honest, often, open – and transparent…

  • Science Debates:
    Journalism or PR?

    When proposing science debates as tools, opportunities and even tasks for science journalists, a colleague came up and said scoffingly: »It’s still only PR.« He was not wrong – considering the currently fashionable science debates.

  • Rethinking Science Debates

    It looks like science debates have been discovered as another public relation tool for science and technology. Governments, institutes, even research projects contrive debates – basically to gain acceptance from citizens in order to continue undisturbed.

  • Bloggers, the better journalists?

    There is a future for professional journalists. In particular those who have their specialities, like science journalists. There is no reason to complain about the competition of bloggers and the social media networks, to sing the swan-song on journalism. Blogs, Facebook or Twitter are not drivers of news. Instead they are a still small pathways…

  • What will power Europe’s future?

    The catastrophic failure of the Japanese power plant in Fukushima has divided Europe over the future use of nuclear energy. In almost every country, there have been calls to reassess the risks and benefits of nuclear power and to slow down the construction of new power plants. The European debate raises some critical, and difficult,…